This eBook includes 10 patterns and has full video tutorials for all of them! It's theme is modular knitting. The Cindwood looms used for the patterns in the book are the 70 1/2" gauge oval loom and the 54 peg 1/2" gauge oval loom, which come in a come in a 2 piece set! The patterns included are the Hoodic, V Collar, Cowood, Seed Cowl, Victorian Lace Hoodic, Victorian Lace Collar, Rib and Seed Slouch Hat, Rib and Seed Collar, Faux Entrelac Hood, and the Rib and Garter Collar. With so many options this book will keep you looming for awhile!
I received my order of CinDWood looms and Chinese Checkers games and couldn’t be more thrilled! The craftsmanship is fantastic! The looms fit wonderfully in my hands! I’m working on a pair of socks for my husband with the 1/4” 60 peg looms at the present. I purchased 2 of each loom size so I can work on both socks at the same time. I’ll be back to shop again!
Definitely a 5 star rating. I thought with its size it would be difficult at 1 star anyway to use. But no it’s easy to use easy to move , I prefer over the s loom it’s much easier on me. I love making blankets and I love this loom.